Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Mrs. Putnal's Newsletter September 29, 2016

A1FBDAF3-15A9-4245-9BCD-90C791678E06LOWER SCHOOL NEWSLETTER from Wade Putnal
September 29, 2016
            Our mission at First Presbyterian Day School is to educate and equip students to change the world for God’s glory.

Pied Piper of Hamelin” final performance is THURSDAY night, 9/29, at 7pm in the Clark Fine Arts Auditorium. Come enjoy this show brought to life by more than 60 students in 3–5th grade. Adult admission is $5; all children under 17 are free. Great fun! TICKETS: We have a new ticketing system in which everyone is required to have a ticket – even those who get in for free.  You can get your free tickets at the box office in the fine arts lobby before the show or you can try our new online ticketing!  Go to to make an account. You will be able to print out a voucher at home that we will scan at the door.

Backpack Ministry: Immediate needs are grits packets, applesauce, Vienna sausages and fruit snacks. Thank you for all the donations!

The Viking Store has what your Viking needs: school supplies, spirit t-shirts, outerwear, gifts and much more! “Viking Bucks” gift cards are perfect for any occasion. New classroom approved outerwear options are here and more on the way. We have a good selection of Lands’ End short sleeve polo shirts. Check out our Facebook page or school website to see our newest items! Located in the MAC building next to the cafeteria and open school days 7:45am-3:30pm. Contact Renita at or 477-6300 x 177.

Homecoming Weekend is October 7-8! All alumni are invited to join their fellow Vikings for a Friday evening Alumni Family Fanfare, dinner, campus tours, and football game. Class reunions on Saturday. Viking Football plays Wilkinson County High School at Austin Childers Field at 7:00 pm. Check out our website for more info:

Science Lab -   Thank you for saving your small jars for us!  We would also like to collect cardboard tubes of all sizes: toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, wrapping paper rolls, etc., for some fun activities.  Thanks for your help!

If you participated in the Birthday Book Club sale during Open House, don’t forget our celebration party is in the library on Wednesday, Oct. 5th at 3:00 p.m. It should end around 4:00 or shortly after. If your child is in the Kindergarten Extended Day program, someone will walk your child to the party and back to that building, if needed. Elementary students will come straight to the library instead of carpool. If your child will not attend, please send REGRETS ONLY by calling 477-6505, ext. 112, and leave a message. We look forward to seeing the participants at the party as we add nearly 200 books to our library! Thanks so much!

RECYCLE Your GEAR! FPD’s Project LEAD asks all students to donate used sports equipment they may not need or want any longer. Items should be in good, clean, working condition, and will be shared with those in our community, such as the Special Olympics and others. Please bring items in a bag this Friday, September 30th to your classroom.

BOX TOPS CHALLENGE!!  If we reach our goal of 8,000 box tops by OCTOBER 21st, all elementary children will receive a “No Homework Pass” and a special surprise! Collection boxes are located in the Elementary and High School offices. Bring in those Tops!!!

Don’t forget! Our cafeteria serves a delicious BREAKFAST every late start Wednesday morning from 7 am to 8:45 in the MAC Lobby. Come taste their fabulous biscuits, scones, muffins and much more. For only $4, you can try their wonderful made-to-order omelet bar. Skip the lines at the fast food places – join your student for a hearty breakfast at FPD!

All FPD Bands (including 5th Grade Band) will perform a CONCERT, October 4th, 7:30 pm in the Clark Fine Arts Center. Our students will be joined by special guests from Mercer University’s Wind Ensemble, conducted by Dr. Douglas Hill. As you know, the most important audience in the world is a child’s family, so please be with us for this event. It’s a great opportunity for all our talented band students to musically express their appreciation for your support. 5th Grade Concert Dress:
Boys: long sleeved button down shirt of any color, khaki or dark slacks, long tie and dress shoes for the boys.
Girls: may wear either a dress or slacks and a blouse. Seasonal colors are always a good idea

Our Viking Parent Association (VPA) is producing FPD’s Red & Black Pages, a collection of FPD parent-owned and/or operated local businesses. The list will be published online later this year for FPD families to browse when looking for a particular service – doctors, real estate agents, insurance, etc. Parents are welcome to submit their business information online by October 1st at

All carpool drivers: Thank you for helping keep ALL safe at carpool by remembering our carpool areas are NO PHONE ZONES. Please pull over and park to get your child if you must be on a phone call. Thank you!

*** Mark Your Calendar ***

·       Lower School Chapel - Tuesday, October 4th, 12:05-12:30pm. Parents are always welcome!
·       Monday, October 10th – Columbus Day holiday – No school and offices closed
·       FPD Elementary Open House (3K – 5th) is November 1st - Please encourage your neighbors and friends to put this on their calendar! Invite them to come and take a look at our wonderful school. Please share with them why you are “ALL IN” at FPD! J

Parent’s Corner
Snuggle Up and Read!
Thank you for making reading a priority in your homes. Reading aloud - with and to your child, as well as listening to your child read - are some of the most important and supportive ways you can help them academically. Reading skills touch every area of the curriculum. Letting them know you believe this is important and taking a few minutes each day for “reading time” will strengthen their foundation of skills to last a lifetime!        Wade Putnal

Box Tops!

BOX TOPS CHALLENGE !!  If we reach our goal of 8,000 box tops by OCTOBER 21st, all elementary children will receive a “No Homework Pass” and a special surprise! Collection boxes are located in the Elementary and High School offices. Bring in those TOPS! 

Thursday, September 15, 2016

STEM activities

Our students have had a great time this week with hands-on learning, experimenting, and science. The students were challenged this week in the science lab to build a tower. They came up with some really creative designs. 

The students are also working with Mrs. Judy Hill, grandparent volunteer, to construct a bed strong enough to hold Goldilocks and the three bears. 

Elementary News

September 15, 2016
        Our mission at First Presbyterian Day School is to educate and equip students
        to change the world for God’s glory.

Elementary Gardens “Clean Out & Clean Up” Work Day
Saturday morning, September 17th – 9 am to 11 am
**This is a parent/child unplugged activity. J Come join us!
Please bring your gloves, clippers, and water bottle

Dress Down Day tomorrow for Jay’s Hope. Students may bring a $1 donation and wear jeans, spirit tops, and hats. We’re grateful to partner with this local outreach to families of children with cancer.

Pied Piper of Hamelin” will be performed Sept. 27th at 7pm; Sept. 28th at 1pm; and Sept. 29th at 7pm in the Clark Fine Arts Auditorium. Come enjoy this show brought to life by more than 60 students in 3–5th grade. Adult admission is $5; all students free. Great fun! Invite your neighbors!

Family Night - Monday, September 26
No homework, no tests, no events! Unplug, turn off the TV, and enjoy time together as a family. Play a game, ride bikes, go out to eat, etc. Upload a photo of your family enjoying this night using #FPDFamilyNight

BIRTHDAY SNACKS: If you would like to send a snack on your child’s birthday, please FIRST contact your teacher several days in advance. You may then either send the snack in the morning with your child or drop it off at the elementary office. We love celebrating with our students!

The Viking Store has what your Viking needs: school supplies, spirit t-shirts, outerwear, gifts and much more! “Viking Bucks” gift cards are perfect for any occasion. New classroom approved outerwear options are here and more on the way. We have a good selection of Lands’ End short sleeve polo shirts. Check out our Facebook page or school website to see our newest items! Located in the MAC building next to the cafeteria and open school days 7:45am-3:30pm. Contact Renita at or 477-6300 x 177.

What’s New in the Library: Please mark your calendar for Wed, Oct. 5th, 3:00 pm in the Library for our Birthday Book Club Party. (If your child typically stays at Extended Day after 3:00, a worker will bring him/her to and from the party.) Thank you for participating and adding more than 120 books to our collection. We look forward to seeing your child at the party! If they attend, please call the library (477-6505, x 112) and leave a message so we can order refreshments accurately.
Our Viking Parent Association (VPA) is once again producing FPD’s Red & Black Pages, a collection of FPD parent-owned and/or operated local businesses. The list will be published online later this year for FPD families to browse when looking for a particular service – doctors, real estate agents, insurance, etc. Parents are welcome to submit their business information online at

Accelerated Reader: You can easily search for AR quizzes at Click “FPD Community” tab, “Parent Links” tab, then scroll down to “AR BookFinder” under Educational tools. Click link to search for a book. Questions? Email:

Please take time and label all things that your child brings to school  - water bottles, jackets, lunchboxes, hats, bags – everything! Thanks so much!

DID YOU KNOW . . . FPD’s Class of 2016, made up of 97 seniors, had 49 honor grads, 54 National Honor Society members, and 48 AP Scholars. There were 11 student athletes planning to play collegiate sports, and 78% of the graduating students had a 3.0 or higher GPA, making them eligible to receive the HOPE scholarship. Way to go!

Coming up in Center for Discovery: * Iron Foot Soccer - Grades 3-6. Mondays & Thursdays, September 19-October 27. Students will hone their soccer skills and learn more about the technical aspects of the game; * Volleyball Clinics - Grades 3-8. These focused clinics will help students learn volleyball techniques and improve skills. Serving Clinic - September 23, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. All Skills Clinic - September 24, 9 a.m. - 12 pm; * Gymnastics - PreK-5. Wednesdays, September 21-October 12. This class will introduce students to the world of gymnastics. View brochure and register online, at Invite a friend to sign up with you!

*** Mark Your Calendar ***
·        Lower School Chapel - Tuesday, September 20th, 12:05-12:30pm. Parents are always welcome!
·        Student Holiday – Friday, September 23 – Enjoy time with your family!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Second Grade Book Buddies

Our students have enjoyed getting to know their 4th and 5th grade book buddies.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Elementary Newsletter- September 1st, 2016

Lower School Newsletter from Wade Putnal
September 1st, 2016

Elementary Gardens “Clean Out & Clean Up” Work Day
Saturday morning, September 17th – 9 am to 11 am
**This is a parent/child unplugged activity. Come join us!
Please bring your gloves, clippers, and water bottle

Library News: Thank you for participating in the Birthday Book Club sale at Open House! What a great response! Did you put the party date on your calendar? Wednesday, Oct. 5th at 3:00 pm. It’s NOT too late to participate. We still have plenty of books to choose from in the library and will have them available for another week. The children LOVE being the first ones to check out “their” books and read them with their names on the nameplate inside. Many, many thanks!

LADIES: Join us for a Morning Yoga Class designed for busy women, which includes a combination of yoga and strength training for maximum strength and flexibility. Bring a mat and hand weights if desired. Certified yoga instructor, April Kitchell, will lead this class at Central City Church, next door to FPD, on Foster Road. Classes are Tuesdays/Thursdays, 8:30am to 9:30 am, beginning September 6. Cost is $40 per month. Bring a friend! For more info or to register, visit:

Fall Classes: Check out all the great offerings for children and adults through our FPD Center for Discovery! Gymnastics, soccer, volleyball, chess, robotics, music, ballet, crafts, Crazy 8s Math – and many more! View brochure and register online, at Invite a friend to sign up with you!

Our first Lower School Chapel is Tuesday, Sept. 6th from 12:05-12:25pm. Parents are always welcome to come join us in the Clark Fine Arts Center as we worship together. Our guest speaker this week will be Pastor Brandon Anderton, our neighbor at Central City Church on Foster Road.

BACKPACK MINISTRY – Please see the flyer in today’s signed papers for ways you and your family can help donate food to hungry children in Macon. Our elementary school has partnered with Rosa Taylor and Heritage Elementary Schools for several years to provide healthy food through this vital ministry.

THANK YOU for dropping off and picking up your children in the designated carpool areas. The safety of ALL is a major concern and we try to keep the traffic flowing.

The Viking Store has Lands’ End short sleeve polo shirts in stock! We also have a great selection of spirit T-shirts for Fridays (must be worn with uniform bottoms.) You can see these designs and more on Facebook at FPD-The Viking Store. We have a huge selection of new novelty items such as VIKINGNATION street signs, wall decorations, automobile vanity plates, and key chains. Open M-F, 7:45 am - 3:30 pm next to the cafeteria in the MAC. Also, visit us at home football games at our remote location.
NOT ON THE LUNCH PLAN?  Your child can still eat in the lunchroom any day. Just email or send a note to the office and your account will be billed $7. (Visitors are still welcome and may pay with cash or check if needed)
*** Mark Your Calendar ***
  • Labor Day Holiday – Monday, Sept. 5th – no school/offices closed
  • Family FAN FARE - 5:30 pm on the Lacrosse field before our New Family Dinner at the varsity football game, Friday, Sept. 9th
  • Monday, Sept. 12th – Red Cross Blood Drive, Fine Arts lobby, 8am-1pm
  • Elementary School pictures, Thursday, Sept. 15th
  • Dress Down Day for Jay’s Hope is Friday, Sept. 16th. For a $1 donation, students may wear FPD spirit tops, jeans, and hats.
  • Student Holiday - Friday, September 23rd - Enjoy some time off with family
  • Elementary Play, “The Pied Piper of Hamelin,” performed by 3rd-5th graders, is Sept. 27-29.Don’t miss this! We have more than 50 children participating!