from Wade Putnal
29, 2016
Our mission at First Presbyterian Day School is to educate and equip students
to change the world for God’s glory.
Piper of Hamelin”
final performance is THURSDAY night, 9/29, at 7pm in the Clark Fine Arts
Auditorium. Come enjoy this show brought to life by more than 60 students in
3–5th grade. Adult admission is $5; all children under 17 are free.
Great fun! TICKETS: We have a new ticketing system in which everyone is required
to have a ticket – even those who get in for free. You can get your free
tickets at the box office in the fine arts lobby before the show or you can try
our new online ticketing! Go to https://fpd.booktix.com/ to make an account. You
will be able to print out a voucher at home that we will scan at the door.
Immediate needs are grits packets, applesauce, Vienna sausages and fruit
snacks. Thank you for all the donations!
Viking Store
has what your Viking needs: school supplies, spirit t-shirts, outerwear, gifts
and much more! “Viking Bucks” gift cards are perfect for any occasion. New
classroom approved outerwear options are here and more on the way. We have a
good selection of Lands’ End short sleeve polo shirts. Check out our Facebook
page or school website to see our newest items! Located in the MAC building
next to the cafeteria and open school days 7:45am-3:30pm. Contact Renita at renita.eversole@fpdmacon.org or 477-6300 x 177.
Weekend is October 7-8! All alumni are invited to join their fellow Vikings for a
Friday evening Alumni Family Fanfare, dinner, campus tours, and football game.
Class reunions on Saturday. Viking Football plays Wilkinson County High School
at Austin Childers Field at 7:00 pm. Check out our website for more info: www.fpdmacon.org
Lab - Thank
you for saving your small jars for us! We would also like to collect
cardboard tubes of all sizes: toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls, wrapping
paper rolls, etc., for some fun activities. Thanks for your help!
you participated in the Birthday Book Club sale during Open
House, don’t forget our celebration party is in the library on Wednesday,
Oct. 5th at 3:00 p.m. It should end around 4:00 or shortly
after. If your child is in the Kindergarten Extended Day program, someone will
walk your child to the party and back to that building, if needed. Elementary
students will come straight to the library instead of carpool. If your child
will not attend, please send REGRETS ONLY by calling 477-6505, ext. 112, and
leave a message. We look forward to seeing the participants at the party as we
add nearly 200 books to our library! Thanks so much!
Your GEAR!
FPD’s Project LEAD asks all students to donate used sports equipment they may
not need or want any longer. Items should be in good, clean, working condition,
and will be shared with those in our community, such as the Special Olympics
and others. Please bring items in a bag this Friday, September 30th
to your classroom.
BOX TOPS CHALLENGE!! If we reach our goal of 8,000
box tops by OCTOBER 21st, all elementary children will receive a “No Homework
Pass” and a special surprise! Collection boxes are located in the Elementary
and High School offices. Bring in those Tops!!!
Don’t forget! Our cafeteria serves a delicious BREAKFAST
every late start Wednesday morning from 7 am to 8:45 in the MAC Lobby. Come
taste their fabulous biscuits, scones, muffins and much more. For only $4, you
can try their wonderful made-to-order omelet bar. Skip the lines at the fast
food places – join your student for a hearty breakfast at FPD!
All FPD Bands (including 5th Grade
Band) will perform a CONCERT, October 4th, 7:30 pm in the
Clark Fine Arts Center. Our students will be joined by special guests from
Mercer University’s Wind Ensemble, conducted by Dr. Douglas Hill. As you know,
the most important audience in the world is a child’s family, so please be with
us for this event. It’s a great opportunity for all our talented band students
to musically express their appreciation for your support. 5th
Grade Concert Dress:
Boys: long sleeved button down shirt of any color, khaki or dark
slacks, long tie and dress shoes for the boys.
Girls: may wear either a dress or slacks and a blouse. Seasonal colors
are always a good idea
Our Viking Parent Association (VPA) is producing FPD’s Red
& Black Pages, a collection of FPD parent-owned and/or operated
local businesses. The list will be published online later this year for FPD
families to browse when looking for a particular service – doctors, real estate
agents, insurance, etc. Parents are welcome to submit their business
information online by October 1st at www.fpdmacon.org/redblackpages.
All carpool drivers: Thank you for helping keep
ALL safe at carpool by remembering our carpool areas are NO PHONE ZONES.
Please pull over and park to get your child if you must be on a phone call.
Thank you!
Mark Your Calendar ***
· Lower School Chapel - Tuesday, October 4th,
12:05-12:30pm. Parents are always welcome!
· Monday, October 10th
– Columbus
Day holiday – No school and offices closed
· FPD Elementary Open
House (3K – 5th) is November 1st - Please
encourage your neighbors and friends to put this on their calendar! Invite them
to come and take a look at our wonderful school. Please share with them why you
are “ALL IN” at FPD! J
Parent’s Corner
Snuggle Up and Read!
Thank you for making
reading a priority in your homes. Reading aloud - with and to your
child, as well as listening to your child read - are some of the most important
and supportive ways you can help them academically. Reading skills touch every
area of the curriculum. Letting them know you believe this is important and
taking a few minutes each day for “reading time” will strengthen
their foundation of skills to last a
lifetime! Wade Putnal