Our little hikers went on a scavenger hunt this week to observe and enjoy God's creation. A few of the items we spotted were ants, birds, lichen, spider webs, pine cones, and flowers.
Thursday, October 27, 2016
Mrs. Putnal's Newsletter-October 27th, 2016
Lower School Newsletter from Wade Putnal
27, 2016
mission at First Presbyterian Day School is to educate and equip students
change the world for God’s glory.
Elementary Chapel
dates are Nov.1st and 15th at 12:05 in the Fine Arts
Auditorium. Please join us! Project LEAD will share on Nov.15th.
for Discovery
= “Beyond the Classroom Learning.” Many classes are beginning in November (next
week!) Sign up now at www.fpdmacon.org/center-for-discovery
for a complete class detail list. You may also sign up with paper registration
forms available in the Elementary office.
you for avoiding the areas marked off on the elementary playground. New
baseball batting cages are under construction.
cooler weather, please label all things that your child brings to school
- water bottles, coats, jackets, sweaters lunchboxes, hats, bookbags, and all!
Please check the Lost and Found rack in the elementary hallway if you are
missing items.
Please continue to send in BOX TOPS to reach our goal by Nov.1. You can also go
to www. http://www.boxtops4education.com/bonusapp
to download an app to scan your grocery bill for items purchased.
birthdays and Christmas… The Viking Store has items for all ages,
including our own “Viking Bucks” gift card available in any amount! We
have a great selection of short and long t-shirts, uniform-approved outerwear,
caps, Tervis Tumblers, and much more. Visit our page at www.fpdmacon.org/TheVikingStore.
Open school days 7:45am to 3:30pm and located in the MAC near the cafeteria.
Contact Renita at renita.eversole@fpdmacon.org
or call 478-477-6505.
· Thanksgiving Holidays:
November 21st– 25th (Offices closed 23rd- 25th)
· December 13th –
Elementary Christmas Program (grades 1-5), 1pm & 7pm, in the Clark Fine
Arts Auditorium.
· Christmas Sing-a-Long:
December 20th, 10:15 am; Early Dismissal for 3K-12
· Christmas Holidays:
December 21st - January 4th, 2016
· First Day of school in
2017: January 5th
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
Mrs. Putnal's Newsletter
Lower School Newsletter from Wade Putnal
13th, 2016
mission at First Presbyterian Day School is to educate and equip students
change the world for God’s glory.
Friday Night – FPD vs Stratford & FAN FARE from 5:15-6:30 with
inflatables and fun for all. Game time is 7:30pm. Go Vikings! Beat Stratford!
Congratulations to all the 3rd-5th
graders who participated in The Pied Piper of Hamelin! It was a
marvelous production and you worked so hard! We are very proud of you!
School Chapel
is Tues, Oct. 18th from 12:05-12:30pm. All are welcome.
a few days left to reach our goal of 8,000 Box Tops by Oct. 21st!
We’re so close! Collection boxes are in the Elementary and High School offices.
NOTES: Parents,
grandparents, and children, thank you a thousand times for the wonderful books
donated to the library in your names. We are going to have SO MUCH fun reading
our 188 new Birthday Book Club books! I can hardly wait to read them all!
When you see Mr. Lance Merritt, Lizzie Sue and Henry’s dad, please tell him
thank you for providing such enjoyable party refreshments for us. He put in
lots of time and effort to throw a party for more than 160 kids! Thank you so
for FPD Fall Festival
will be on sale during carpool times Friday, Oct. 21st and Monday
Oct. 24th as well as in the Elementary Office and Kindergarten
office. See flyers in today’s signed papers.
Code reminder:
As cool weather approaches, remember socks, tights, and leggings need to be FPD
uniform colors. PLEASE label all sweaters, jackets, water bottles, lunchboxes,
backpacks, etc. Use this link to read uniform requirements for students: http://bit.ly/ElementaryHandbook2016
The Viking Store is “OUTERWEAR
Central” for your Viking! We have 20+ different styles of to choose
from - all are uniform approved to be worn in the classroom. Our Lands’ End
polos, sweaters and outerwear are the same price as the Lands’ End website. We
have a great selection of short and long sleeve t-shirts too. We are open
school days 7:45a to 3:30p and take all credit cards except American Express.
Email renita.eversole@fpdmacon.org
or call 477-6300 x 177.
on visiting The Viking Store during the week of Fall Festival
and parent-teacher conferences. TVS is a great source for gifts such as
wall decorations, decals, auto tags, stuffed animals, jewelry and much more.
Visit us on the football field Friday night and check out our new look. “Viking
Bucks” gift cards are always perfect for any occasion – birthday, Christmas,
good grades, etc.!
If you have photos of your child’s class field trips and other school-related
activities to share, please send to your child’s teacher all throughout
the year. Thanks so much!
carpool drivers:
Thank you for helping keep ALL safe at carpool by remembering our
carpool areas are "NO PHONE ZONES." Please pull over and park to get
your child if you must be on a phone call. Thanks! J
Be sure to check out your child’s grade level blog, as well as blogs from our
music, computer, Spanish and art departments. Follow this link: http://bit.ly/FPDTeacherBlogs
Immediate needs are: Vienna sausages, tuna cans, applesauce and juice
boxes. Thank you for all the donations!
Christmas Family Adoption Project – If you are looking for a way to exercise
compassion during the holidays, go to: www.projectgiving.net
to sign up to adopt a needy family from our Middle Georgia area or to make a
tax-deductible donation to help those in need. You may also contact Natalie
Woodward at: natalie@projectgiving.net
or call her at 478-397-4135.
· Dress Down Day for
“United in Pink” –
Oct. 21st – “PINK OUT” in Elementary! Students may bring a $1
donation and wear jeans and a spirit top or a pink top or pink “head to toe!”
This Middle Georgia area outreach supports families of those fighting breast
· FPD Fall Festival – Tues,
Oct. 25th
– 12 noon to 3 p.m. Food, games, prizes – Something for everyone! Early
dismissal for 3K - 12th grade.
· Oct. 26th – Early Dismissal for 3K
– 12th grade – NO LATE START - On this Wednesday school will begin
at 8:15 and end at noon for grades 3K-5th. Upper grades will dismiss
at 12:15.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Counselor's Corner
Adrenaline Addiction
Children love excitement. From as
early as a few months old, they are thrilled with the “peek-a-boo game.” Most
love playing “hide-and-seek,” riding on fast rides, and swinging on high swings.
Parents love to surprise their child
to see the looks of glee and wonder on their faces. It is fun. And, to be
honest, grown-ups love excitement, too. The feeling of excitement comes from a
hormone called adrenaline. Adrenalin
gives a sensation of euphoria and energy. It provides a feeling of competence and
strength as well as pleasure.
However, for every emotional
high, there is an equal and equivalent low. The problem comes when the “rush”
is gone and the emotions take a dive. You know this if you have ever given your
child a birthday party complete with overstimulation and sugar. By the end of
the party often there are tears and temper tantrums. Just as with a drug, the
“let-down” can lead to a form of the blues called “post adrenaline depression.”
Parties are fun and worth the
aftereffects, but it is important to understand the connection of adrenaline to
stress. Adrenaline is closely related to another hormone called cortisol, also
known as the “stress hormone.” Adrenaline arouses the cardiovascular system and
cortisol regulates many of the body’s systems during stress. Excessive cortisol
is responsible for severe anxiety, including panic attacks and depression. Too
much adrenaline stored in the body can cause health issues such as insomnia,
lowered immunity toward illness, premature aging, and hyperactivity often
diagnosed as Attention Deficit Disorder. Classroom learning and social
relationships are frequently affected. Adults may respond to an adrenaline
addiction through perfectionism and workaholic tendencies.
Children can easily become
addicted to the adrenalin rush. Developers of screen games test the biological
responses to the product to make sure the games cause the elevation of the
hormones. This is why some children become so consumed with gaming. Addiction
expert Dr. Nicholas Kardaras says that after treating hundreds of heroin and
crystal meth addicts, he has found these addictions are easier to treat than
treating a true screen addict.
Children addicted to screens,
games, and social media suffer in other ways. Their creative abilities are not
developed when they are not allowed the down time to use their imaginations.
Technology can stunt the normal growth of the frontal cortex which is the
center for judgement, impulse control, and making good social decisions. Their “reality
check mechanism” is distorted when much of their lives are spent in an unreal
world. It can affect their brains so that the normal stimulation is no longer
effective causing boredom and boring children. In Dr. Kardaras’s 10-year
longitudinal study he observed “kids raised from an early age on a
high-tech/high screen diet suffered from digital malaise. Bored and boring,
they lacked a natural curiosity and a sense of wonder and imagination that
non-screen kids seemed to have. They didn’t know – or care to know – about what
was happening around them in the world. All that seemed to drive them was a
need to be stimulated and entertained by digital devices.”*
God knows our bodies need to
relax. He instructed us to “Remember
the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your
work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any
work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female
servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. For in
six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the
sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed
the Sabbath day and made it holy.” Exodus 20:8-11
in Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.”
Dr. Archibald Hart, recommends three ways to help your children break the
adrenaline addiction:
Parents can model a ‘balanced life.’
Build in some down time where your child can relax
and avoid stimulating activities.
Most importantly help your child develop the habit
of regular quiet time in the Scripture and prayer.
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