Wednesday, May 16, 2018
End of the Year Party-Thursday
Due to rainy weather, we have reserved the gyms and have decided to move our End of the Year Party indoors. The students will NOT need to wear swimsuits, but may wear a summer outfit or spirit shirt and any kind of shorts. Tennis shoes and socks are best to wear for tomorrow. Our party will be located in the MAC gym from 12-1:45 and then we will return to classrooms for pizza and a movie. We will still have snow cones provided for the students, but if you or siblings would like to purchase snow cones, please bring $3 cash.
Thursday, May 10, 2018
Field trip to Callaway Gardens
Second graders had a wonderful day at Callaway Gardens learning about birds, butterflies and God’s amazing and beautiful creation!
First we went to the Birds of Prey and Woodland Critters Shows.
Next we had lunch at a beautiful picnic and play area.
The Butterfly House was definitely a crowd favorite! Such beauty and wonder to be found here!
Overall, it was a fabulous day that was enjoyed by all!
Friday, May 4, 2018
Mrs. Putnal's Newsletter-May 3rd, 2018
Elementary Newsletter from Wade Putnal
May 3, 2018
DRESS DOWN – FRIDAY, MAY 4th- $1 donations to Backpack Ministry. Wear jeans and FPD spirit shirts.
Backpack Ministry immediate needs are Vienna sausages, Capri Sun juice pouches, and applesauce. Thank you for always helping with this outreach!
THANK YOU …This year Backpack Ministry has received an abundance of donated items this year. Thank you for sharing with this local ministry.
LIBRARY NEWS: It’s time to clean kids’ rooms, car hiding-places, bookshelves, book bags, etc., to look for lost library books. (It’s most interesting to hear where lost books are discovered!) Note that all library books and fines were due yesterday, May 2. It’s been a pleasure working with your children in the library this year.
FIELD DAY is FRIDAY, MAY 18th - 9 a.m. to noon
Friday, May 18th, is our annual Elementary Field Day for 1st to 5th graders. We will have half-day early dismissal at noon for 1st-5th. (3K, Pre-K, and K students will have regular school hours.) Don't forget to apply sunscreen to your child before school that day. If you are interested in volunteering, email Lauren Cheek at Class Colors:
1st-ORANGE; 2nd- YELLOW; 3rd-GREEN; 4th-BLUE; 5th-"BLACKOUT" or TIE-DYE
SUMMER CAMPS NOW ONLINE! Summer is awesome at FPD! There are over 42 camps to choose from with options for students in 3K-12th grade in academics, art, and athletics! The fun begins May 29. Be sure to check out some of our new options like … Video Creation, Brick City Engineers, Sewing, S.T.E.A.M, ROBO Chicks, Handwriting Heaven, BAT League, Theater 2-week Workshop for grades 5th-9th, and so much more! All are hosted on our campus by caring instructors who teach according to FPD’s Core Values. Bring your friends, neighbors, and cousins!
SEE flyer in today’s folder…Summer Enrichment Programs…VKING CLUBHOUSE 3K- 2nd, VIKING CREW 3rd-5th “JR. Leader” Training program, and lots of Center for Discovery Camps. Sign up for all online now!
Please check the school website for information on SUMMER READING. **There are required books, suggested reading lists, and activities for all grade levels. Go to FPD community and then to PARENT LINKS.
FPD Consignment Sale -Thursday- Friday, May 17-18, 8:00am-6:00pm. It's not too late to participate in our sale. (For security reasons, please do not take FPD uniforms to Goodwill or other local charities.) Instead, please sell or donate them at our school’s annual consignment sale. Donations may be dropped off anytime in The Viking Store, open daily 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. near the cafeteria in the MAC. NOTE: Elementary (1st-5th graders) will wear uniforms on May 16th for the Honors Assembly.
Congratulations! FPD Elementary came in second place in the Goodwill Donation Drive. We will receive a check from Goodwill. Mrs. Hollingsworth’s 5th grade had the most donations and will enjoy a pizza party. Many thanks to all who donated. Go Vikings!
THE VIKING STORE is the perfect place for end-of-year or graduation gifts. Open daily 7:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the MAC. Call Renita at 478-477-6505, x177 for info.
*** COMING UP ***
May 8- Elementary Chapel- 12:05 (3K, PK, K leads)J
May14- Special Show and Tell- Air Evac LifeTeam helicopter will land on
FPD’s football field @9:00 am
May18- Elementary Field Day for grades 1st- 5th, 9:00 am-12 noon. Early
dismissal for 1st- 5th. Extended Day will be available if needed. Please
contact Lauren Wrabel. Students in 1st- 5th attending ED for the
afternoon will need to bring a lunch.
May 19 - FPD Commencement at Ingleside Church, 12:00 noon
May 21 - 5th Grade Graduation, 7pm, Clark Fine Arts auditorium
May 22 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL – Half day/early dismissal at 11:45.
Year-End Celebration/Slide Show at 10:30 am. Extended day
available until 6:00 pm. Please contact Lauren Wrabel. Students
attending ED will need to bring a lunch. Last day for school year
Extended Day program.
May 29- All summer enrichment programs begin. SEE flyer in today’s
folder…Summer Enrichment Programs…VIKING CLUBHOUSE 3K-
2nd, VIKING CREW 3rd-5th “JR. Leader” Training program, and lots of
Center for Discovery Camps. Sign up for all online now!
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