BACK PACK MINISTRY…..The local food bank is out of a lot of the foods we need for our backpack ministry. We have some immediate needs if you would like to consider donating. Thank you in advance! IMMEDIATE NEEDS: Vienna sausages, juice boxes, pudding cups, Jell-O cups, oatmeal packs, fruit cups, Capri-suns. Thank you!!
Upcoming events/Calendar dates:
Tuesday, Nov. 19th- Chapel @ 12:05 -5th grade will lead.
Thanksgiving Holidays- Nov.25th- 29th
Friday, Dec. 6th- Dress Down Day for Mentors Project-$1 donation, jeans.
Thursday, Dec. 12th- Elementary Christmas Program- 1st-5th grades will perform @ 1pm and 7pm. See below for dress/costume info. This program will be live streamed and will be on the FPD website.
Monday, Dec 16th- Elementary Sing A Long @ 10:30. Dismissal 12 noon.
No school for 3k- 5th: Dec 17th, 18th
Christmas Holidays: Dec.19th-Jan. 6th
Jan. 7th- Classes resume for students
2019-Elementary Christmas Program What to Wear:
1st – 4th Grade:
“Sunday Christmas Attire” …What you would wear to a Sunday Christmas Service
Boys: Khakis and a nice shirt/sweater, dress shoes or boots and a belt. No need for a tie/jacket. No jeans, sweatpants, PJs, sandals, flip-flops.
Girls: A nice Christmas shirt/ sweater, pants/skirt, dress, holiday legging outfit. Nice shoes or boots. No Jeans or PJ’s.
5th Grade: 5th Grade will be wearing costumes to go along with one of the songs we are singing. They will stay in these costumes for the whole show to make things simple. Most of the costumes are provided, with the exception of a few people. Specifics about each child’s costume will be sent to the parents.
5th Grade BAND- Dress as directed by Mr. Baker
FPD’S VIKING CLUBHOUSE and CREW invite you to:
HAPPY TURKEY CAMP Mon/Tues.- Nov25th and 26th
8:00am-3:00pm 3K – 5th grade $25 a day/Family max $50
MERRY CHRISTMAS CAMP Tues./Wed.-Dec17th and 18th
8:00am-3:00pm 3K – 5th grade $25 a day/Family max $50
Limited spaces are available for each program.
Email Janet Strickland, FPD Enrichment Program Coordinator,
at to reserve a spot.
We are thankful for all of our FPD families, our school, and the opportunity to share God’s love each day. May the blessings of hope, peace, and joy fill your hearts throughout this season of gratitude and celebration.
Tidings of comfort and joy!
Wade Putnal