Lower School Newsletter from Wade Putnal
November 10, 2016
Our mission at First Presbyterian Day School is to educate and equip students
to change the world for God’s glory.
Upcoming Elementary Chapel dates are Nov. 15th and Dec. 6th (4th grade leads) at 12:05 in the Fine Arts Auditorium. Please join us!
The Elementary Christmas program is just a few weeks away! The title of this year’s program is “Shepherds Tell Us of that Night.” All children in 1st – 4th grade, as well as 5th grade Chorus members, will be dressed as shepherds.
Costumes: All students should wear a white shirt, and khaki or white bottoms. (Shirts may be short or long-sleeved, and do not need to be FPD uniforms. Bottoms may be skirts, shorts, or pants, as long as they are white or khaki.) FPD will provide a shepherd robe, a shepherd hat, and belt for all students.
Shoes: Students may wear regular school shoes or sandals with a back strap if it’s warm enough.
5th Grade Band: Boys: Long-sleeved shirt (any color), tie, dress pants/slacks, dark shoes, socks (NO SNEAKERS). Girls: Full-length dress, ankle-length skirt, or slacks with top (no open back or sleeveless tops; no short skirts), dress shoes. Christmas colors are fine.
BACKPACK MINISTRY needs Vienna sausages, applesauce, and fruit snacks. Thank you!
DRESS DOWN DAY: Friday, November 18th, to support Karazim Ministries in the Bahamas. This nation was severely damaged by hurricanes in recent weeks, and FPD has partnered with this ministry for many years through our Project LEAD group in the upper school. Your donations will be a blessing to them. Students may wear jeans and spirit tops or favorite college T-shirts.
Class Photographers: If you have photos of your child’s field trips and other school-related activities to share, please send to your child’s teacher throughout the year. Thanks so much!
LUNCH PLAN: If your child is not on a 3-day or 5-day dining plan, and they eat in the lunchroom at any time, please email Carrie.Rogers@fpdmacon.org or send a note to the Elementary Office to let us know so that we may add this charge to your billing statement.
Thank you for avoiding the areas marked off on the elementary playground where new baseball batting cages are now under construction.
LATE ARRIVALS reminder: If your child arrives to school after 8:15 am (8:50 am on late-start Wednesdays) they should enter school at the front Elementary office, and they need to sign in as well. Thank you.
Christmas is coming! The Viking Store has tons of gift ideas and stocking stuffers - including “Viking Bucks” $$ cards! Don’t fight the crowds on Black Friday when you can get it all done here! You won’t believe our gift wall: Room decorations, car plates, key chains, scarves and much more. We have many uniform-approved outerwear options and always carry short-sleeved Lands’ End polo shirts. Always a great selection of spirit t-shirts and men’s polo shirts. We even carry Tall sizes for men. Check out our page on Facebook: FPD-The Viking Store or www.fpdmacon.org/TheVikingStore. Open 7:30a -3:30p in the MAC.
TEACHER BLOGS: Be sure to check out your child’s grade level blog, as well as blogs from our music, computer, Spanish and art departments. Visit: www.fpdmacon.org; then click on “Community” tab; Then under “Students” click on “Teacher Blogs.” Enjoy!
With cooler weather, please label all things that your child brings to school - water bottles, coats, jackets, sweaters lunchboxes, hats, bookbags, and all! Please check the Lost and Found rack in the elementary hallway if you are missing items.
Thank you for helping us not disturb student instruction and learning time by refraining from knocking on hallway doors that are locked. These doors are locked for the safety of all teachers and students. If you need to enter the building, please come to the Elementary Office and sign in.
BOX TOPS are still coming in! Also check out http://www.boxtops4education.com/bonusapp to download an app to scan your grocery bill for items purchased.
PROJECT GIVING – Christmas Family Adoption Project – If you are looking for a way to exercise compassion during the holidays, go to: www.projectgiving.net to sign up to adopt a needy family from Middle Georgia or to make a tax-deductible donation to help those in need.
- Thanksgiving Holidays: November 21st– 25th (Offices closed 23rd- 25th)
- December 13th – Elementary Christmas Program (grades 1-5), 1pm & 7pm, in the Clark Fine Arts Auditorium. 5th Grade Chorus and Band will also perform.
- Christmas Sing-a-Long: December 20th, 10:15 am; Early Dismissal for 3K-12
- Christmas Holidays: December 21st - January 4th, 2016
- First Day of school in 2017: January 5th
We are so thankful for the families, students, and staff at our school.
Treasure the moments as you make memories with family and friends over the coming holidays! May God continue to bless you and your family. May FPD continue to be a place where we all have an opportunity to show God’s love each and every day.
With a grateful heart,
Wade Putnal
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