Corner – October
“Decorations and Costumes”
by Susan Causey, Elementary Counselor
by Susan Causey, Elementary Counselor
There are some decorations and costumes
which fit for only certain times of the year. Yet, the bible tells us of
decorations and costumes that are not only appropriate, but essential every day
for living the life the Lord desires for us.
The decorations are the words of the
scripture. In Deuteronomy 11 we are instructed to, “Fix these words of mine in
your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your
foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home
and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write
them on the doorframes of your house and on your gates.”
The costume is the full armor of God
found in Ephesians 6. This armor includes the “belt of truth,” “the breastplate
of righteousness,” the gospel of peace for the feet, the “helmet of salvation”,
and the “sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.” These you need so that
you may stand firm when the battles come.
What I have learned following a tragedy
in my family is that God’s word is alive and it comes flooding back to you when
you need it the most. It gives you peace, comfort, an eternal perspective,
hope, joy, and trust. Be prepared and prepare your children. Make sure they are
outfitted and decorated for the inevitable challenges in life.
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