School Newsletter from Wade Putnal
October 3, 2019
Our mission at First Presbyterian Day School is to
educate and equip students
to change the world for God’s glory.
If you
participated in the Birthday Book Club this year, your child should
bring home that special book this week along with a “party in a bag”
treat. I hope your family will enjoy the book together and return it
in two weeks so we can put it on the shelves for everybody to enjoy.
Thank you so much for participating!
We are so
excited about our visiting author next month, Eric Litwin, on Tuesday,
November 5th. Have you returned your order form and check
if you would like to buy any of his 10 books and have them autographed during
his visit? All forms and money are due by Tuesday, Oct. 8, in
time for me to pre-order the books.
Your child’s
author visit will be greatly enhanced if he or she frequents the links below on
your phone or iPad. In these links, your child will hear Eric Litwin
reading his books, singing the accompanying songs, and even teaching the kids
the dance moves that accompany his songs and books. Please help your
child be the star singer and dancer at Mr. Litwin’s presentation!
Eric Litwin and His Four
Groovy Buttons 1:16 (Book trailer, not the whole book)
Eric Litwin Pete the Cat
Saves Christmas 1:19 (Book trailer, not the whole book)
Litwin Sing and Dance in Your Polka-Dot Pants 1:50 (No reading, just song and dance instructions)
Eric Litwin The Nuts Keep
Rolling 0:47 (Book trailer, not the whole book)
Litwin If You're Groovy and You Know It, Hug a Friend 2:17 (audio
only – great sing-a-long while reading the book)
Litwin If You're Groovy and You Know It, Hug a Friend 1:21
(Sing-a-long for 2nd – 5th grade/words on screen)
Ministry: Your
donations are such a blessing to the
children we serve through the backpack ministry!! Please continue to give food
items as you are able! Our FPD students bring weekend food to kids every Friday of the school
year!! Your help is invaluable!
BOX TOPS: Please continue to send in BOX TOPS. THANK YOU for the great
response we have already had with sending in Box Tops so far this year!
If you do not have
an FPD Carpool Card, please email
Carrie Rogers to print one for you. Having these cards makes carpool time run
faster. Thanks! carrie.rogers@fpdmacon.org
Don’t forget! Our cafeteria serves a delicious BREAKFAST every late start
Wednesday morning from 7am to 8:45am in the MAC Lobby. Come taste their
fabulous biscuits, scones, muffins, omelets, and much more. Skip the lines at
the fast food places – join your student for a hearty breakfast at FPD!
The Viking
Store has items for all
ages, including our own “Viking Bucks”
gift card available in any amount! We have a great selection of short and
long t-shirts, uniform-approved outerwear, caps, Tervis Tumblers, and much
more. Visit our page at www.fpdmacon.org/TheVikingStore. Open school days 7:45am to 3:30pm and
located in the MAC near the cafeteria. Contact Renita at renita.eversole@fpdmacon.org or call 478-477-6505
October 4th-
FPD Homecoming game 7:30pm
October 8th
& 22nd- CHAPEL
October 11th- PINK OUT Dress Down for United in Pink community outreach. $1 donations and wear pink.
October 14th
& 15th – Columbus Day & Student Holiday. No Viking
Clubhouse/Viking Crew.
In-Service on Tuesday.
October 25th -Ticket Sales for fall festival begin. Available
at morning and afternoon carpools and in the Elementary office.
October 29th -FALL
FESTIVAL … 12- 3pm. Early dismissal 3K – 12th grades@ 11:45.
Lunch will be served before dismissal.
October 30th - NO LATE
START…School day begins at 8:15
** Early Dismissal for 3K- 5th grades @ 11:45. Lunch will be
served before dismissal.
~~After School Enrichment
Program -Viking Clubhouse and Viking Crew will be available on both of
these early dismissal days- Oct. 29th and 30th. Please contact
Janet Strickland if you plan for your child to attend. janet.strickland@fpdmacon.org 478-477-6505 etx.164
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